Our Story

Hi! My name is Juste.

I'm addicted to creativity, to yarn, to knitting. And... you, dear customers!

I am a graduate of Master's degree in Business Management and Economics. It seems that both majors should be a great way to advance your career, but I have always dreamed of working for myself, planning my own work and leisure time.

And it all started in fourth grade when my mother enrolled me in a needlework class. It was there that I first picked up a needle and thread. I literally fell in love with knitting for life. 

One of the reasons I wanted to make knitted clothes was that I never wanted to look "like everyone else". I also don't like synthetic fibers, which electrify and stick to the body, and when we wash these clothes, we release huge amounts of micro plastic particles into the environment...

That's why natural yarns such as wool, cotton and silk are one of my values. 

I started to create more, to take an interest in the latest knitwear trends, yarn manufacturers, Lithuanian and foreign brands, and the desire to create my own brand only grew stronger.

By the way, I would like to sincerely thank my husband Marius with the creation of JUSTE KNIT. It was only because of his faith that I had the courage to quit my job without knowing how I will going to build my business. 

Even today, I am not sure if my business will become a recognizable brand, but I am happy to work in a job that I love, to create every day, to interact with clients, to discuss every detail, to find out their expectations. And when the same clients come back for the second, third and fifth time, I can admit to myself that I am on the right track.

There is only one life - so when, if not today?